Author Archives: Bruno Pedro

About Bruno Pedro

Bruno Pedro is a Web and Business developer with over fifteen years’ experience in both startups and large corporations.

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Webhooks, REST and the Open Web

Back in 2006, Jeff Lindsay proposed a different way of consuming Web resources that would eliminate the need for constantly polling APIs for changes. This new pattern was called webhooks and has since been adopted by companies such as GitHub and Google.

REST and webhooks are two sides of the same coin. In “Web Hooks and the Programmable World of Tomorrow“, Jeff Lindsay, October 2008

The main advantage of the webhooks pattern is that your application doesn’t have to make periodic calls to APIs while it’s waiting for changes. Instead, APIs will call your application on a specific endpoint informing that something interesting has happened. What’s missing is a way to programmatically tell APIs that you’re interested in receiving calls and registering endpoints.

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Pivotal Tracker launches new API in public beta

Pivotal Tracker just announced the availability of their API V5 in public beta, starting August 16, 2013. The launch is justified because the application itself has run against the new API version for a long time now.

photo by John Fischer

The new API introduces several improvements, like the ability to get access to all project data, including epics. They also say that everything in and out of the API is now JSON encoded but the activity Web Hooks still POST information using XML.

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Evernote introduces API Rate Limits

Evernote recently announced that they will enforce API rate limits starting today (August 14, 2013). They don’t specify what the limits are but they say that a “reasonable use of the API should not cause an integration to hit the limit”.

photo by Justin Ennis

Although this enforcement will only affect non-production applications for now, you should evaluate your code even if you have a production API integration, since rate limiting will also affect these applications starting November 1, 2013.

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API Hierarchy of Needs

The API hierarchy of needs is inspired by the work of Abraham Maslow, a psychologist who created a theory that explains how human needs are fulfilled — the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

API Hierarchy of Needs

API Hierarchy of Needs

While Maslow’s goal was to understand and explain the priorities of human needs, from breathing and feeding to self-esteem and morality, the API hierarchy of needs explains different characteristics that make an API usable.

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