Tag Archives: Accept

The Accept Header: A Quick Primer

When developing an API, one of the first critical decisions every developer must face is that of Content Type. In this day and age most APIs return one or both of JSON or XML.

photo by Sean Svadilfari

Some APIs get away with one, and that’s fine, but to improve the UX of your API, you should allow the requestor to determine what data type is best for them. If you’ve read the post onĀ API Content Negotiation, you’ll know the best way to approach content negotiation is to follow the standards.

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Implementing API Content Negotiation

What exactly is Content Negotiation? According to Wikipedia it’s “a mechanism defined in the HTTP specification that makes it possible to serve different versions of a document at the same URI, so that user agents can specify which version fit their capabilities the best”.

photo by JD Hancock

So, it serves two purposes: (1) making it possible to have different versions of the same response, and (2) letting clients specify which version they want to receive. Usually, this technique is applied when there are several types of user agents consuming the same HTTP resource but, because they have different rendering capabilities, they might ask for different content types.

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